Isla has been invited to an allotment party. Shall I say that again in italics? Isla has been invited to an allotment party. If I mention the words allotment and party a lot here, it is meant to convey confusion, confundity, general mirth, an image of shrugged shoulders and a twirling of the index finger about the ear, and general all round befuddlement. An allotment party (sorry, I really can't help it). Worse still, it's from the daughter of Right-On Mum, the Mummy everybody hides behind their cars to avoid as she struggles into show and tell with a scale model of Daughter's bedroom complete with working light and bookcase filled with the Complete Works of Shakespeare (unabridged edition). Right-On Mum wears a lots of beige because organic clothes just can't be bleached, and Rah Rahs around at coffee mornings force feeding everybody with her hemp and sofa stuffing muffins (homemade. Rah). She's even converted her hybrid car to work off cooking oil and can regularly be seen in the school kitchens syphoning off the chip fat, all the while Rah-ing about saturated fat and salad bars. We're great friends as you can imagine. The best.
Anyway, at first I thought Isla had got it wrong, four-year-olds and correct, detailed information do not make easy bedfellows, but no, she produced the invite from her satchel with a told you so flourish and unfolded the paper. It was bedecked with images of spades and wellies which I thought were simply decoration and a chance for Right-On Mum to show off her computer skills (which incidently runs off a dynamo that she works with her foot while on the computer. She has a really big left thigh). But no, the pictures were actually a visual list of items needed to enjoy the aforementioned allotment party (I did mention it didn't I?). It turns out that an allotment party involves turning out your four year old in wax jacket and flat cap (well that's what the picture suggested), dropping them off at Right-On Mum's allotment (of course we can stay and help if we like rah rah) where they will dig and plant and water, eat a picnic picked from the allotment and then go home. That's right, come and celebrate the birth of our child with slave labour. We're a bit behind on the weeding you see, but to make it fair you can harvest as many tomatoes as you like for your lunch.
And why not? Set the children to work, they've been sponging off the state for far too long now. Free education, free healthcare, isn't it time they gave something back to people and a society that has been too soft on them? They get Two Whole Days off a week, that's 104 days a year of lost productivity. What have we been doing allowing them to sit back learning ballet/karate/TV watching when they could be making themselves useful?
This is a fantastic turn of events. Why didn't I think of this first? Not an allotment party obviously, Husband says we can't get an allotment until I manage to keep one supermarket-bought basil plant alive for at least a week. But there's loads of things that would make a great party, a greeaat party. I could turn my entire house into a play zone, send out invites and watch them flock. Fabulous.
Now let me see, what kind of parties do I need to have to get all my jobs done? We could start off with a Light Dusting and Sweeping Party, followed by a Window Cleaning and Vacuuming Play Session. We could break for a Make, Serve and Clean Up Your Own Lunch Party before moving into the Ironing Zone (possibly followed by DIY First Aid for Burns Tutorial, but it depends how the Ironing Session goes down). To finish we could play hunt the dog turds in the garden and enjoy a brisk race to be the first to put them in the poo pot (oh yes).
This is wonderful! Brilliant! Dare I even say inspired? My very own Eureka moment has finally occurred (but not in the bath I'm afraid, the laptop tends to short). All I need to do is have ten more children, make sure that they are each born in a different month, then I can throw a Cleaning Party for each one. That's it, a totally clean, ironing free, dog mess free house and garden every month. It's time to sack the cleaner.
yes, yes, yes! If Isla is busy that day she can come and make up for it by digging mine anytime. I'll send you the key!!! You have made me gaffaw my tea on the computer keyboard...you know the one where it comes down your nose....ugggggh
That's brilliant! I can host a 'filing paperwork' party or a 'cleaning the grouting' outing.
But alas I don't have any children.
Will local mummies think I'm a bit weird if I invite their brood along for a bit of an elbow grease knees up?
Damn. Feared as much...
haha oh that made me laigh so VERY much.
Thank you for the smile on a snowy Monday morning.
I think you've hit upon an absolutely fabulous idea. Oldest boy's birthday is coming up and I might scrap the bowling party in favour of a 'clean the window blinds' or a 'organize my undies drawer' or a 'scrub the shower soap scum' party.
What do you think?!
Anyone fancy my 'Do the ironing party'...if you miss this week's one, there's always nextwek, or the week after, or the week after that, or...
You've given me some ideas for Kay's 18th. What treat them to a West End Show? No. The roof needs fixing! And to follow? A sleepover in the spare room which needs decorating. Yes, a very good idea!!
The more I read your post the more incredulous I become....I can't believe they have to bring their own spades as well!
When is the great event? What do you think the party bags will contain - carrot tops and a bag of earth?
Brilliant post, MH, BRILLIANT! I live on a ranch…I think I’ll throw a mucking out the barn party. Oh, wait a minute…my children are grown and gone. Hummm….my grandson’s birthday comes in April...well, that leaves plenty of time for planning.
Have a great week!
Thanks for the tip - I've been wondering what to do for daughter's next birthday. Do you think we can get away with wallpaper stripping party?
Does right on mum know what she's started here? I suggest you copyright the idea pdq, you could make a fortune!
Mmm, send me a hemp and sofa stuffing muffin will you?
Where abouts in the world do you live MH? Just so I know to avoid a woman in unbleached cotton if ever I happen upon her....
How about a 'Come and clip my Alpacas' toenails in the Land of Oz' party? That way you get to get rid of your brood for a while. They would also learn to really look forward to, indeed run for, a bath/shower - once spat upon, never again shy of a wash.
I so loved this post! Have chuckled my way through and thoroughly enjoyed every bit... PLEASE GO AND HELP AT THE PARTY! We need a follow up, I think.
Could you not ask right-on mother to Lavatory Cleaning Party at your house? Or stagger in to school with Even Bigger Model of absolulutely unidentifiable Thing? The possibilities are endless.
Maybe you could give Isla some nasty, vegetable eating insects to release in the garden when 'slave labour mum' isn't looking?
Great post!
More than anything, right now, we need to have a Sweep the Leaves Up Party.
I do hope there'll be time for games too; Pass the Parsnip, Pin the Frond on the Carrot, Musical Deckchairs, & maybe even a treasure hunt, digging for potatoes.
Can't wait to hear how it goes. What present are you taking??? Just wondered....
Hi again - I have an award for you.
Ye gods, I didn't get past the 'Isla's been invited to an allotment party'
I thought I'd seen/been to every party going, but clearly not.
I'm having a Look After My Kids for a Week party - anyone interested? Anyone?
Hell I should have read this last week, except that you hadn't posted it. duh!
I staggered home at 3.30pm on Saturday after a 4 hour stint of PTA extracurricular activities
( art classes and self defence - run seperately in case you were wondering) and was greeted by my 11 year old calmly telling me she had invited 13 kids over to organise a school newspaper. aarrrghh!
They could have had my housework done in a jiffy.
Award for you at mine!
Wow, you are an inspiration hee hee. 'Right on Mum' however, is very scary. Brilliant post. you made me snort. Miss M looked at me like I was mad. (Again) :D
Hi there
Hope you’re well.
We’re looking after a brand new mums site that I thought might be of interest to you, www.mumspower.com
Mumspower are targeting working mums offering them a brilliant new online drama, Heart & Soul, alongside a huge variety of great site content. I thought you might be interested in checking it out and letting your readers know your thoughts!
Heart & Soul is the first grown up web drama of its kind and as well as providing some pretty gripping viewing, there is also an exciting competition running alongside the show. The producers have created a dynamic fifth character to join the diverse cast and they are holding open auditions so anyone can win the opportunity to nab a fully paid starring role in the soap!
If you are interested in it, we have loads of trailers and images available. I look forward to hearing your thoughts.
Charlie x
New online drama, Heart & Soul, targeting working mums launches on Mumspower.com
• First online soap opera targeting working mums launches today
• Opportunity for real working mums to win a professional acting contract and lead role on the show
• Social networking functionality on Mumspower.com will enable mums to debate social issues and discuss private concerns
It’s tough being a working mum. Juggling a career and family life is a difficult and stressful proposition. The demands are never-ending, and the rewards can sometimes feel few and far between, as they are so often followed by yet another request - more pocket money, more overtime, another lift to yet another party, another gadget that everyone else has! It’s no surprise a lot of working mums feel like they’re on a treadmill, constantly running but seldom moving forward. Many working mums persevere at this momentum, determined to find the balance between their career aspiration and a happy family life.
Taking this very real dilemma as an inspiration, comes the launch of Heart & Soul, an online soap opera targeted at working mothers, which will run weekly on new WebTV channel and social networking site Mumspower.com. The show will explore the lives of four working mothers, touching upon important issues such as childcare, employment and education and, of course, shopping, fashion and friendship. The 10 minute episodes are also set to run on Bebo and YouTube and the site will have its own Facebook profile and group. The episodes on Mumspower.com will also be supported by weekly blogs and video diaries from the characters, giving the community a more rounded view of the characters and the show.
The soap will give a voice to every woman – the single mother, the widow, the stay at home mum and the girlfriend dating a single father - with each episode examining the challenges they face as modern working women trying to hold together a family.
Single mum Abby had her son while still in her teens and is now looking to catch up with her education and further her career; Susi, a mother of two, is used to living a privileged life with her property developer husband, but things are about to change and she’ll have to face some harsh realities; Lecturer Jo was completely focused on her career until she met Desi – now she’s playing mum to his troubled son Daniel and there are more problems on the horizon for her; Penny has found herself widowed in her late forties and is struggling with loneliness now her daughter has left for university – she wants to move on with her life, but is unsure how to take that first step. A character has been developed for the fifth working mum and a competition will be launched soon to find a real mum to fill her shoes on the show.
Mumspower.com will act as a broadcaster for the online drama and the website will provide social networking capabilities for working mothers. This online community will be a place where they can interact with their peers, debate social issues and discuss private concerns in an supportive, empowering environment.
For further information please contact:
Lily Fallala/ Charlotte Sweeney at Taylor Herring on 020 8206 5151
Email: lily.fallala@taylorherring.com / charlotte.sweeney@taylorherring.com
Please see the attached release for more information. If you do choose to run this news story please credit www.mumspower.com
Trailers of the show and characters can also be viewed and embedded from http://www.youtube.com/BethMumspower
Well well, whatever happened to the stuff your face full of junk kind of party that sends kids hyper and leaves parents pulling out their hair. Life seems so much more sensible and sustainable these days.....do you think the gods will punish me if I continue to fill kids with junk?
LOL - I quite like the idea of a clean and dust party...or there's the empty my wormery party..I do need some vegetables planting but have yet to dig the plot...hmm you've got me thinking :-D
I've tagged you by the way, over at The Rubbish Diet, so if you're up for it, do pop over for a gander and pick one of the tags. (21st Century Mummy in my other disguise)
Lovely post MH! Do let us know how the allotment party went and just how many muffins were spat out in disgust.
What a capital idea! If only I had offspring...
But all that labour millenium.
On another matter, do you still want that fatherhood thing? And was it really a one-liner? Instructions please to ernestdecugnac@live.co.uk
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